Do you know what is one of the biggest benefits of a ketogenic diet, besides the fact it is excellent for your health? It also comes as a great opportunity for losing weight. Can you picture digging through keto pancake recipes knowing you can eat your favorite dessert without any guilt?
Of course, you can’t eat as much as you want, but weren’t classical pancakes always that part intended for ‘’cheat days’’? Don’t worry, these wonderful recipes are going to give you a great breakfast, brunch & other ideas where you can fit your favorite healthy and low-carb pancakes. Let’s check them together!
Related: 25 Crazy Guilt-Free Low Carb Keto Cookie Recipes (#4 is Unbelievably Healthy!)
Our 9 Top Picks Keto Pancake Recipes
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1. Low-carb Pancakes with Almond Flour and Coconut Flour
There’s one rule related to pancakes – the fluffier, the better! So, how exactly can you achieve that part?
First of all, you already know that when it comes to turning a particular dessert into a gluten-free version, all you need is to play around with ingredients a little bit and toss in keto-friendly ones. When it comes to keto pancake recipes, it’s essential to add a keto-friendly flour.
My favorite ones are almond and coconut types – the exact ones that are used in this recipe! Still, I have to admit I have never actually thought of mixing them together before. Luckily, this great recipe reminded me of that possibility and showed me how the combination of these two flour types is going to provide you with the fluffiest pancakes ever. Don’t forget to let us know if you have some similar interesting and useful tips that might come in handy when it comes to pancakes!
Get the full recipe here: Wholesome Yum
2. 2-ingredient Cream Cheese Pancakes
Whenever you see some of our keto lists, you simply know there are going to be recipes with 2,3 or 4 ingredients. The fact someone simply took a really small amount of ingredients and created something delicious always leaves me fascinated.
The same thing happened over here as well – all you need to do in order to make these tasty pancakes are eggs and cream cheese!
When it comes to their form and texture, they are much more similar to the classical crepes than to thicker American-style pancakes. Although I am fond of all types because of my great love for pancakes, I must admit I prefer crepes slightly more than this other type. How do you like your pancakes the best?
Get the full recipe here: Barefeet in The Kitchen
3. Keto Coconut Flour Pancakes
These pancakes are an excellent choice if you are looking for a nut-free yet a keto-friendly option. On the other hand, some people avoid coconut flour because they say it gives too much of a coconut flavor. Personally, I don’t have that problem when it comes to both coconut oil and flour.
Moreover, I really like it as much as I love the fact of how highly beneficial it is when it comes to health. Not only it’s a low-carb solution, but it’s also a great source of fiber, protein, and plant-based iron. When it comes to fiber, it’s important to mention how coconut flour is rich in MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) too. It is a type of fat that helps with protecting your body against viruses and bacteria, keeping your heart healthier as well as losing weight.
Not bad when it comes to a dessert ingredient, right?
Get the full recipe here: Low Carb Yum
4. Basic Keto Pancakes
How about another one of our delicious keto pancake recipes to brighten up your Sunday morning? This recipe is quite interesting because it also includes a full-fat yogurt. How do you feel about dairy product consumption when it comes to the ketogenic diet?
First of all, it’s important to know not all dairy products are the same. If you don’t have the sensitivity or allergic reactions when it comes to these types of ingredients, give it a go.
Still, keep in mind that, for example, full-fat yogurt comes as an excellent keto-friendly ingredient, but that is not something we can say for classical milk as well. For instance, 1 cup of milk with 2% fat has 13 g of carbs.
That’s why you’ll mostly find plant-based kinds of milk in most of the keto pancake recipes. It’s simple – if you want to avoid crossing the line with your daily caloric intake, always try to find a substitute that is lower in both calories and carbs.
Get the full recipe here: Keto Diet
5. Low-carb High-protein Pancakes
A ketogenic diet is, as you already know, based on increasing the fat intake while at the same time reducing the carbs from your diet. Proteins are somewhere in between – but no one can tell you the exact amount of the protein you should eat per day. It depends on many factors such as your body needs or the level of physical activities you pursue.
If you are active and train 4-5 times per week, you will highly appreciate recipes like this one since protein is the essential element when it comes to building muscles. Although it’s not necessary to equalize the protein intake with the recommended daily amount of fats, it’s still a valuable nutrient your body needs.
Get the full recipe here: Tasteaholics
6. Fluffy Low-carb keto Blueberry Pancakes
As we have already mentioned, the combination of coconut or almond flour is the winning mixture that makes your pancakes more fluffy, soft and delicious. Still, there’s another topic we should mention when it comes to this recipe – should you eat fruits on a ketogenic diet?
There is no right answer to that – it is simply something related to your personal choices and the level of restrictions you follow on a ketogenic diet. Don’t forget fruits are a great source of vitamins and many other valuable nutrients after all. That part always leaves you an opportunity to check those that are low-carb food you can easily fit into your diet.
In addition to that, we have some good news – most berries will come as a great choice since they are low both in calories and carbohydrates. What discoveries do you have about keto-friendly fruits?
Get the full recipe here: The Big Man’s World
7. Keto Pancakes With Berries and Whipped Cream
Here is another interesting idea where you can add some of your favorite berries as well as a great tip to make your pancakes fluffier. It’s simple – separate the eggs.
Put the egg yolks aside, and whip the egg whites in a separate bowl. Add the whites to your batter and try to avoid knocking out the air you whipped into it. Do you have some similar useful hacks that can help with improving keto pancake recipes and making better desserts?
Other than that, I must admit this recipe gave me an idea of adding the psyllium husk powder into the pancake batter. Before that, I have only used it as a part of my smoothies or shakes.
For those who are not familiar with this specific ingredient – psyllium is a type of fiber that’s often used as a bulk-forming laxative. It passes through a digestive system, and instead of being broken down, it absorbs water which is why it’s helpful when it comes to constipation, diarrhea, and other digestion issues. Psyllium also helps with stabilizing blood pressure, balancing cholesterol and weight loss.
Get the full recipe here: Diet Doctor
8. Macadamia Keto Pancakes
Here is another amazing idea when it comes to keto pancake recipes – a 3-ingredient solution that uses ground macadamia nuts instead of both classical or a keto-type of flour. If you don’t have any allergies or similar issues with nuts, don’t forget to make them an inevitable part of your daily regime! Nuts are an excellent source of good fats, and they are a specific ingredient suitable for all kinds of various recipes.
Macadamia nuts, in particular, are extremely beneficial for your health because they lower heart disease risk, decrease diabetes, and protect your brain functions. They are also quite helpful when it comes to losing weight because they keep you full for a longer time, which is why you won’t feel any extreme cravings for food. What are your favorite nuts when it comes to combinations with pancakes?
Get the full recipe here: Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies
9. Perfect Oven-baked Keto Pancakes
You will be really happy to hear it is possible to have pancakes even if you don’t feel like frying them one-by-one. In other words, we present you oven-baked pancakes! They are an excellent solution when your family becomes a little bit too impatient or you simply want to shorten the time spent in the kitchen.
Besides having more time, this way also leaves a less mess, especially if you use a parchment paper. If you are going to serve them for your friends, prepare to be asked for the recipe right after the first tray!
Get the full recipe here: Butter Together Kitchen
The best thing about pancakes is that basically everyone can make them. They are a quite simple solution when you want to satisfy your sweet tooth as well as a great opportunity to develop your creativity in the kitchen and play around with ingredients.
That’s why we definitely hope you are going to try out some of the interesting ideas from our list and take those recipes a step further by adding something of your own. Nothing more to say but this – Bon appetite and enjoy your healthy pancakes!
Did you enjoy this collection? Save THIS PIN below to your KETO DIET board on Pinterest to check all the recipes later again and again.
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